One of my favorite posts of the year (and potentially the only one where I’m in front of the camera! – well, most are pictures of me behind the camera; but I think it counts as both 😉 ). It’s so fun for me to share all the parts of a wedding day that you don’t normally see on my blog. Though of COURSE I love showcasing the best of the best from each wedding, there’s something unique and real about these photos, where 100% of the time I was completely oblivious they were being taken (when I’m in the zone, I’m in the ZONE). As always- this post wouldn’t exist without my lovely second shooters, so shoutout the Emily, Haley, Brittney, Lauren, and Taylor for these hilarious shots.
Always love stepping in when there’s something that need to be done the morning of the wedding- be it putting your shoes on or putting your veil in!
Speaking of veils… there’s so much that goes on beyond the one “stunner” you see gracing my blog. Here’s just a few examples!
Michael (the groom) works in the Capitol so I took that as permission enough to climb on top of this pillar. Just trust me, the angle was SO much better!
Clearly climbing on things to get the right angle is somewhat of a habit for me
A series of photos where I appear to be bossing the bridal party around- I promise I do so lovingly and with a smile on my face!
Haley testing a potential rain cover location for me 😉
Looking both ways to ensure I don’t get hit by a car while I capture the shot haha
forever front and center (but always nervously hoping I’m not blocking guests’ view) for your ceremony
Also FOREVER fixing and fluffing and straightening and making sure your dress looks ✨flawless✨
First look final touches!
Explaining how to pop champagne? Or just make it picture perfect? No one knows!
I feel like this year was particularly windy (anyone else, fellow photographers?!) so here I am literally holding Paige’s curled tendrils until the gust died down to get the shot!
ALLLLLLLL the dress fluffing!
Explaining the “bear hug” and probably ending with, “just trust me, it feels weird but looks cute”
One of my hidden talents- pinning boutonnières!
Ever the thorough explainer- hand motions and all
I crack myself up sometimes
my cutie second shooters testing the light for me while onlookers wonder if they’re getting updated profile pics (but seriously, this one of Haley SHOULD be!)
2022 Couples- thank you for another great year of doing what I love!!